Peaches on the Grill

*(Today’s post is going to be a bit short, as I’m in the final weeks before my son heads off to college in Colorado… and I’m trying to get in as much time as I can with him before he leaves.)


Fresh peaches in a blue bowl
My favorite part of summer!

I’m normally not a “Summer” kind of a person. I actually prefer cold, rainy days where I can wear a warm sweater and kick around in my rain boots. But, since we’re in the middle of the hot, humid, smoggy weather we seem to get here in Southern California each June-October, I may as well make the best of it. The silver lining to this heat has to be the stone fruit! Whether it’s peaches, plums, apricots, or loquats… I am in heaven when they’re in season. But peaches are my favorite.

Sprinkle plain ground cinnamon over the cut edges.

I’ve always loved my mom’s Peach Cobbler, but some times I just don’t have time (or energy) to bake. Plus, who really wants to heat the house by turning on the oven, when it’s over 100° outside? yikes! Problem solved: About 10 years ago I started grilling peaches to imitate the same slow-baked flavor, and in the process, learned that there’s no need to add sugar for sweetness. Nice!


Make sure you let the peaches sit long enough to get those beautiful grill marks
Make sure you let the peaches sit long enough to get those beautiful grill marks

Start by cutting the peaches in half, and pulling out the seed. Shake some cinnamon over the cut edges, and dab a little butter on them. Set your grill to medium, and let the peaches soak in that cinnamon while your grill heats up.

Put your fruit, cut side down on the grill, and only move, once the grill marks show up on the flesh. You can either move them to the left just a bit in the same direction so that all marks are parallel, or you can give them a 90° turn for a cross mark.

Once the second mark has set in, take your peaches off of the grill.
(Wasn’t that ridiculously easy?!)


Love this combo, and there's no sugar added
Love this combo, and there’s no sugar added

Serve them alone, with just fresh blueberries in the center for a delicious Paleo treat.

Dice along with avocado, grilled onion, and minced jalapeño for a really tasty fresh salsa. (This is fantastic with grilled chicken breast)

Serve with a slice of pound cake, blueberries, and fresh whipped cream if you’re craving that “peach cobbler” taste. (of course now it’s no longer paleo!)

Grilled peaches + avocado are a great start to any salsa!
Grilled peaches + avocado are a great start to any salsa!
Here's one of my photos from 10 years ago...but serving them this way is still easy and delicious!
Here’s one of my photos from 10 years ago…but serving them this way is still easy and delicious!


See? I told you this would be a short blog, but hopefully it will get you to try this tasty little treat.

Now it’s your turn… I’ve got 3 questions for you, and I’d LOVE to have your answers!Howard and the Peach

(please, please!)

1. Which fruit have you grilled before?

2. Has this given you an idea for an upcoming meal?

3. Back to the son thing… do you have a kid going away to college?

Have a wonderful week, and I can’t wait to read your answers. Enjoy!


Anything after this logo is nothing but advertising!
(Everything after this yellow logo is nothing but advertising)

13 thoughts on “Peaches on the Grill

  1. 1) I never grilled fruit before. So sad.
    2) I think I want to try grilled romaine cesar salad though.
    3) I don’t have a kid yet. But I’m a college advisor… so college stuff is my life 🙂


    1. 1. LOL – I’ve done stone fruit, strawberries, and avocado (once…wasn’t sure if I liked it). My next grilling idea for fruit is lengthwise-halved bananas, brush with a rum-brown sugar glaze…. I’m thinking bananas foster….
      2. I have only grilled lettuce once, and it would have been good… if the propane didn’t run out first! LOL. Must try again!!!
      3. You’re steeped in 18 year olds…. ack! Patience of a saint!


  2. This looks yummy, Joani! Never grilled fruit before but always wanted to try. :^)
    Exciting times for you and your son with college and everything. Nicole will be starting her Junior year at APU in the Fall. Every summer we have to get reacquainted and then say goodbye again but it’s fun to see the growth in her each time……and consequently we grow up each year, too! haha! See you soon, Pam


    1. You will love the grilled fruit! I promise! If you don’t, I will come over and eat it for you 😉
      I wish my boy wouldn’t be so far away… it’s about 18 hours or so to drive. But, I guess they do have to grow up eventually, huh?


  3. tried to reply on your blog but couldn’t make it stick…… anyhoo….this looks wonderful! I want to try it! P


  4. 1. iv only really ever grilled pineapple but these look great.
    2. hmmmm – all i have in my head now if your grilled peaches with the blueberries you mentioned. added icecream -obviously.
    3. no kids yet for me


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